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Edwin B. Lowry

The People Who Capture
After a botched robbery attempt that ends in Chester being taken against his will, his friend Rainbow must find a way to free him of his captors...
Light Heart
When Christina's dream of becoming a famous singer begins to blossom, a disturbed man's infatuation with her turns into a deadly obsession...

Rise Of The Calamity
A world-ending calamity threatens the lives of all those who live on planet earth...
Seeking Insanity
Within his home, there is a mystery driving Ross crazy. A thing that he knows is there, and something so horrible that it promises to bathe his night in blood...
Keeping The Harmony
A young girl must perform the words of her ancestors, known as The Pray, in order to keep an ancient calamity locked away from the world...
On the night before he's scheduled to give a speech in front of a lot of people, Joel struggles with a terrible decision that he must make when he takes that stage...
Does he give his speech and allow everyone to go on living? Or does he detonate the bomb strapped around his torso, killing everyone in the room?
You Are Standing Where I Died
Tormented by memories of his childhood, seeing the monster in his closet within his dreams, Ralph decides to travel to his former home to confront the horror awaiting him...
Tell Me A Story
Stephen takes a vacation to finish his novel that he's been meaning to write. He travels to his cabin where he can find peace and quiet, but when an evil Old Man shows up out of the blue, he's forced to make terrible decisions that will affect the people he knows...
Iced Cream Man
Those who cross the Lestor Corporation are met with a seven-foot disfigured monster known as the Ice Cream Man, who just so happens to work for the company as their personal hitman...
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